Digit Mania


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If you are just looking for any old counter software, in other words, not necessarily something which can use these digits
Check out Amps Free Hit Counters.

Software which will use these digits.
Please note, that I haven't gone through and verified all of the links recently. So, some of these may be out of date. I have so many links, I have a hard time keeping up with all of them.

Counter Software

For use on web pages.
This is not an exhaustive list. These are ones which I know work and seem to work fairly well.

You must have the ability to install new CGI scripts on your WWW server to use these. If you don't then you had better use one of the hosted counters. If you don't understand what this stuff means, then I highly recommend using a hosted counter.

Clock Software

For use on web pages.
This is not an exhaustive list. These are ones which I know about.

Component Software

Desktop Applications

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Last modified: 22:06 - Pacific Daylight Time - 08 Apr 99