Digit Mania

The Leonard Arzoomanian Collection

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Created and Contributed by Leonard Arzoomanian.
file names: ?xmas.gif
PKZipped - GZipped Tar


Created and Contributed by Leonard Arzoomanian.
file names: ?eastegg.gif
PKZipped - GZipped Tar


Created and Contributed by Leonard Arzoomanian.
file names: ?leaves.gif
PKZipped - GZipped Tar

Fathers Day

Created and Contributed by Leonard Arzoomanian.
file names: ?dad.gif
PKZipped - GZipped Tar


Created and Contributed by Leonard Arzoomanian.
file names: ?halween.gif
PKZipped - GZipped Tar

Independence Day

Created and Contributed by Leonard Arzoomanian.
file names: ?frcrckr.gif
PKZipped - GZipped Tar

Linked Neon

Created and Contributed by Leonard Arzoomanian.
file names: ?lnkneon.gif
PKZipped - GZipped Tar

Mothers Day

Created and Contributed by Leonard Arzoomanian.
file names: ?mom.gif
PKZipped - GZipped Tar

New Years Eve

Created and Contributed by Leonard Arzoomanian.
file names: ?nyeve.gif
PKZipped - GZipped Tar


Created and Contributed by Leonard Arzoomanian.
file names: ?school.gif
PKZipped - GZipped Tar

Sign Language Variable Widths

Created and Contributed by Leonard Arzoomanian.
file names: ?signlng.gif
PKZipped - GZipped Tar


Created and Contributed by Leonard Arzoomanian.
file names: ?snowflk.gif
PKZipped - GZipped Tar

Spring Flowers

Created and Contributed by Leonard Arzoomanian.
file names: ?flowers.gif
PKZipped - GZipped Tar

Spring Kite

Created and Contributed by Leonard Arzoomanian.
file names: ?kite.gif
PKZipped - GZipped Tar

Spring Rain

Created and Contributed by Leonard Arzoomanian.
file names: ?rain.gif
PKZipped - GZipped Tar

St. Patrick's Day

Created and Contributed by Leonard Arzoomanian.
file names: ?shmrock.gif
PKZipped - GZipped Tar


Created and Contributed by Leonard Arzoomanian.
file names: ?sun.gif
PKZipped - GZipped Tar


Created and Contributed by Leonard Arzoomanian.
file names: ?pilgrim.gif
PKZipped - GZipped Tar


Created and Contributed by Leonard Arzoomanian.
file names: ?toast.gif
PKZipped - GZipped Tar

Valentines Day

Created and Contributed by Leonard Arzoomanian.
file names: ?heart.gif
PKZipped - GZipped Tar


Created and Contributed by Leonard Arzoomanian.
file names: ?snowm.gif
PKZipped - GZipped Tar

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Last modified: 22:27 - Pacific Daylight Time - 26 Apr 99