Digit Mania

Font Fount

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959 A Includes AM/PM and colon (:) for clocks. Includes a dash (-) for dates.

Created and Contributed by 959 (Lee Ming Zu).
file names: ?959a.gif
PKZipped - GZipped Tar

959 B Variable Widths Includes AM/PM and colon (:) for clocks. Includes a dash (-) for dates.

Created and Contributed by 959 (Lee Ming Zu).
file names: ?959b.gif
PKZipped - GZipped Tar


Created and Contributed by John Ogden. He has a web page.
file names: ?acro.gif
PKZipped - GZipped Tar


Stolen from Alias / wavefront: A Silicon Graphics company.
file names: ?aliasw.gif
PKZipped - GZipped Tar

AndyEsse Variable Widths
Created by
Andrea Sironi. Contributed by himself.
file names: ?as.gif
PKZipped - GZipped Tar


Public Domain
file names: ?angelus.gif
PKZipped - GZipped Tar

Baby Includes AM/PM and colon (:) for clocks.

Created by Luca Reduzzi. Found at My (Luca Reduzzi) Home-Page.
file names: ?baby.gif
PKZipped - GZipped Tar


Created by Ben Guaraldi. Found on Web-Counter Character Sets Page.
file names: ?bauhaus.gif
PKZipped - GZipped Tar

Big Black Block New!
Created by
George Carmichael. Stolen from Geo-counter sample of available fonts.
file names: ?bblkblk.gif
PKZipped - GZipped Tar

Big Black Fat New!
Created by
George Carmichael. Stolen from Geo-counter sample of available fonts.
file names: ?bblkfat.gif
PKZipped - GZipped Tar


Public Domain
file names: ?binky.gif
PKZipped - GZipped Tar

Boffo New! Variable Widths

Created and Contributed by John Hawkins. He has a web page.
file names: ?boffo.gif
PKZipped - GZipped Tar


Public Domain
file names: ?brush.gif
PKZipped - GZipped Tar


Created by Michael Teator. Found on Web-Counter Character Sets Page.
file names: ?caligra.gif
PKZipped - GZipped Tar

Casual New! Variable Widths

Created and Contributed by John Hawkins. He has a web page.
file names: ?casual.gif
PKZipped - GZipped Tar


Public Domain
file names: ?chalk.gif
PKZipped - GZipped Tar

Copper New!
Created by
George Carmichael. Stolen from Geo-counter sample of available fonts.
file names: ?copper.gif
PKZipped - GZipped Tar


I don't even know where I found this one. I just uncovered it under some old bits on my machine, so if you know who made it or where it can be found, please drop me a line.
file names: ?curly.gif
PKZipped - GZipped Tar

Deep Space 9 Variable Widths Includes AM/PM and colon (:) for clocks. Includes a dash (-) for dates.

Created and Contributed by Mr. Video. He has a web page.
file names: ?ds9.gif
PKZipped - GZipped Tar

Dog House

Found at The Museum of Counter Art.
file names: ?doghous.gif
PKZipped - GZipped Tar


Created by Thomas Ward. Found on Geo-counter sample of available fonts. Credit to id Software.
file names: ?doom.gif
PKZipped - GZipped Tar

Doom Inverse

Created by Thomas Ward. Found on Geo-counter sample of available fonts. Credit to id Software.
file names: ?invdoom.gif
PKZipped - GZipped Tar


I don't even know where I found this one. I just uncovered it under some old bits on my machine, so if you know who made it or where it can be found, please drop me a line.
file names: ?electrc.gif
PKZipped - GZipped Tar

Fat Chalk

Origin Unknown. Stolen from Web-Counter Character Sets Page.
file names: ?fatchlk.gif
PKZipped - GZipped Tar


Created by Richie J. Kendrick. Found on Web-Counter Character Sets Page.
file names: ?frozen.gif
PKZipped - GZipped Tar

Fun Factory Variable Widths Includes AM/PM and colon (:) for clocks. Includes a dash (-) for dates.

Created and Contributed by Joe Antkowiak. May be seen in action on #FunFactory.
file names: ?funfact.gif
PKZipped - GZipped Tar


Created and Contributed by Jason Pratt. He has a page.
file names: ?futura.gif
PKZipped - GZipped Tar


Created by William I. Johnston. Found on Geo-counter sample of available fonts.
file names: ?garamnd.gif
PKZipped - GZipped Tar

Ghost New! Includes AM/PM and colon (:) for clocks.

Created and Contributed by CyberGoth. He has a web page.
file names: ?ghost.gif
PKZipped - GZipped Tar


Created by William I. Johnston. Found on Geo-counter sample of available fonts.
file names: ?goudy.gif
PKZipped - GZipped Tar

Green Sports New!
Created by
George Carmichael. Stolen from Geo-counter sample of available fonts.
file names: ?grnsprt.gif
PKZipped - GZipped Tar

Hand Painted

Created and Contributed by Frank Knobbe. He has a page.
file names: ?handpnt.gif
PKZipped - GZipped Tar


Created by Ythan@aol.com. Found on Web-Counter Character Sets Page.
file names: ?hndwrt.gif
PKZipped - GZipped Tar

Lightning New!

Created and Contributed by Nicolas Brown. He has a web page.
file names: ?lghtnin.gif
PKZipped - GZipped Tar

Lithos Includes AM/PM and colon (:) for clocks.

Created by Dr. Juergen Wittsiepe. Found on Institut für Hygiene.
file names: ?lithos.gif
PKZipped - GZipped Tar

Max Variable Widths Includes AM/PM and colon (:) for clocks. Includes a dash (-) for dates.

Created and Contributed by Gigio. He has a web page.
file names: ?max.gif
PKZipped - GZipped Tar

Mellon Collie
Created and Contributed by
Sebastian Boschert.
Stolen from the Smashing Pumpkins CD "Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness".
They look better on a light background.
file names: ?mcis.gif
PKZipped - GZipped Tar


Created by William I. Johnston. Found on Geo-counter sample of available fonts.
file names: ?metabld.gif
PKZipped - GZipped Tar


Public Domain
file names: ?neuland.gif
PKZipped - GZipped Tar

Old English
Created and Contributed by
Sim Graves.
file names: ?oldeng.gif
PKZipped - GZipped Tar


Created and Contributed by Mogor. He has a web page.
Please send email if you use these digits.
file names: ?party.gif
PKZipped - GZipped Tar

Purple Sports New!
Created by
George Carmichael. Stolen from Geo-counter sample of available fonts.
file names: ?prpsprt.gif
PKZipped - GZipped Tar

Raisinlove New!

Created and Contributed by Stephane Dumais. He has a web page.
file names: ?rez.gif
PKZipped - GZipped Tar

Red Wado New!

Created by George Carmichael. Stolen from Geo-counter sample of available fonts.
file names: ?redwado.gif
PKZipped - GZipped Tar


Created by William I. Johnston. Found on Geo-counter sample of available fonts.
file names: ?rosewd.gif
PKZipped - GZipped Tar


I don't even know where I found this one. I just uncovered it under some old bits on my machine, so if you know who made it or where it can be found, please drop me a line.
file names: ?runes.gif
PKZipped - GZipped Tar


Created and Contributed by Vadim Nalivaiko. He has a page.
file names: ?scrbbl.gif
PKZipped - GZipped Tar


Created by George Carmichael. Stolen from Geo-counter sample of available fonts.
file names: ?shadow.gif
PKZipped - GZipped Tar

Shadow Inverse

Created by George Carmichael. Stolen from Geo-counter sample of available fonts.
file names: ?shdwinv.gif
PKZipped - GZipped Tar


Created by Mikael Lind. Found on Web-Counter Character Sets Page.
file names: ?shaved.gif
PKZipped - GZipped Tar

Sir Clive New!

Created and Contributed by Staffan Vilcans. He has a web page.
file names: ?srclive.gif
PKZipped - GZipped Tar

Sloppy Includes AM/PM and colon (:) for clocks. Includes a dash (-) for dates.

Created and Contributed by Scott Feeney.
file names: ?sloppy.gif
PKZipped - GZipped Tar

Small Purple Inverse New!

Created by George Carmichael. Stolen from Geo-counter sample of available fonts.
file names: ?sprpinv.gif
PKZipped - GZipped Tar


Public Domain
file names: ?snyder.gif
PKZipped - GZipped Tar

Spectrum 16x16 New!

Created and Contributed by Staffan Vilcans. He has a web page.
file names: ?zxnum16.gif
PKZipped - GZipped Tar

Spectrum 8x8 New!
Created and Contributed by
Staffan Vilcans. He has a web page.
file names: ?zxnum8.gif
PKZipped - GZipped Tar

Stamp Includes AM/PM and colon (:) for clocks.

Created and Contributed by Luke Kalish. He has a page.
file names: ?stamp.gif
PKZipped - GZipped Tar


Created by William I. Johnston. Found on Geo-counter sample of available fonts.
file names: ?stencil.gif
PKZipped - GZipped Tar


Public Domain
file names: ?surf.gif
PKZipped - GZipped Tar


Created by William I. Johnston. Found on Geo-counter sample of available fonts.
file names: ?umbra.gif
PKZipped - GZipped Tar

Verdana Variable Widths
Created and Contributed by
Steve Hemming. He has a web page.
file names: ?verd.gif
PKZipped - GZipped Tar

Verdana Negative Variable Widths

Created and Contributed by Steve Hemming. He has a web page.
file names: ?verdneg.gif
PKZipped - GZipped Tar


Found at The Museum of Counter Art.
file names: ?visitat.gif
PKZipped - GZipped Tar


Created by Jeremy Thompson. Found on Web-Counter Character Sets Page.
file names: ?western.gif
PKZipped - GZipped Tar


Origin unknown, but probably derived from Style I. Found on Web-Counter Character Sets Page.
file names: ?whirl.gif
PKZipped - GZipped Tar

White New!

Created by Todd Kawamoto. Stolen from Geo-counter sample of available fonts.
file names: ?white.gif
PKZipped - GZipped Tar

Created and Contributed by
Sebastian Boschert.
Stolen from the Smashing Pumpkins single "Zero".
file names: ?zero.gif
PKZipped - GZipped Tar

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Last modified: 22:27 - Pacific Daylight Time - 26 Apr 99