Digit Mania
Ad Info
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Price Info
- $1.00 per 1000 exposures.
- $0.05 per click through.
- $5.00 per spot per month.
- You may book an ad for as many months in the future as you wish.
- You can purchase more than one spot per month by simply multiplying $5.00 by
the number of spots you want.
- This rate guarantees at least 5000 exposures in a month.
Typically in the past year, an ad has been seen 9000/month.
If for some reason, your ad is not seen 5000/month for the period you paid for,
your ad will be renewed to ensure that you receive in total at least 1000
exposures for every $1.00 you paid.
Banner Info
- Banners should be 400 pixels wide by 50 pixels high. (400x50)
- They may be either a GIF (animated or not) or a JPEG.
- I would prefer if they were under 20k in size.
- Slight variations are acceptable and will not be shrunk or stretched.
- The banner may be located at any URL, but my preference is to keep it local for the
sake of speed and convenience.
- Please include the link to which the user should go when they click on the banner.
- Digit Mania will not advertise for sites which are pornographic or adult in
How To
- Fill out the form below
or include the following in an email to me:
- Company Name.
- The banner.
- The link for the banner.
- When the ad campaign should start.
- The duration of the ad campaign.
- Make your check payable to: BirdBrain Systems.
- Mail your check to the following address:
- Digit Mania
- P.O.Box 8192
- Fremont, CA 94537-8192
- Be sure to include some way for me to figure out which ad you are paying for (usually your company name).
- When I receive your check, your ad will start running and I will send you an email with an URL and password so you can check out your ad stats.
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Last modified: 22:46 - Pacific Standard Time - 27 Feb 99